Have you discovered purpose?

Purpose discovery has been the hardest discovery that man has ever embarked on. Purpose discovery of course is a journey, or a pilgrimage, as some put it. Statistics show that one  out of a hundred people you see walking on the streets actually know what their purpose in life is. Are you among them? Do you know your purpose? Are you living your purpose? Is your life directed towards your passion? Your passion, as they say can take you places, places you yourself never imagined.

Some simple but brain tasking questions can help us break open the answer to you. They are:

1. What are you passionate about?
2. What's got you turned on?
3. What is it you will do with your time even without a pay?
4. What is that one thing you will like to accomplish that will give your life a sense of worth?
5. What is that one thing you will do that will create an extra ordinary life on your terms, & not someone else's?

Having said all that, if you're interested in getting a free copy of my e-book, please click the link below & do make sure you send us your feedback.

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